If you were born between the early 60s and the late 70s this is the music of your life. If you like the music of the 70s, 80s, 90s and today, then this is the station for you. We don't playlist a few records we like, we play a massive selection (nearly 3500 tracks at present) of solid hits in random order, so you'll always hear a record you know, a record you like, a record you haven't heard for years or a great record you've never heard before.
If you want to request a record from the 70's, 80's, 90's or today, call (UK) 02037 40 40 20 (internationally call +44 2037 40 40 20) and leave your name, where you're calling from and what you want to hear - we'll use your recording on the radio when we play your request.
In December we also bring you our pop-up sister station www.radio.ac "All Christmas Radio", with shows hosted by Santa and Rudolph, your requests and dedications and the best Christmas music from the last 100 years, so listen out for the promos and phone in information to take part!
There's everything you need to make your day go with a bang - so tune in if you can and enjoy Solid Hit Radio - Radio.SH